Carbon Emission
S-LoCT Membership: As of 2023, we monitor and analyze our carbon footprint by measuring our greenhouse gas emissions from our production processes and supply chain through the Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition (S-LoCT) program. As part of our analyses and results, we will evaluate new investments in order to reduce our total net emissions in terms of carbon dioxide. Through this program, we continue our efforts to determine our carbon footprint by collecting our data in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard published in cooperation with the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
SBTi Commitment Letter: In order to reduce our carbon footprint in 2023, we will make a commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) established as a result of the cooperation between the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the World Resources Institute (WRI), the UN Global Compact and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Through this commitment, we will send our official statement that we will have SBTi approve our near-term science-based goal to reduce our carbon footprint. In line with the criteria set out in the Paris Agreement, we will commission our emission reduction projects in order to achieve our science-based 2030 target.

Palm Oil
In order to support the sustainable supply of palm oil and biodiversity, we started negotiations with the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) association in Malaysia in the second half of 2021 and became a member on October 01, 2021 (our membership number is 4-1391-21-000-00). Subsequently, we passed the necessary audits and received our “Mass Balance” certificate in January 2022 (our certificate number is BMT-RSPO-001327). At this stage, we contribute to the sustainability of palm oil by supporting RSPO association for each ton of oil we use in both annual and exported products.
Water Management
“We are preparing to recycle 10% of the water discharged to the receiving medium for reuse”
In our Atakey potato processing factory, after 2,500-3,000 m³/day waste water is passed through various treatment processes (aerobic and anaerobic treatment), it is brought into compliance with the criteria of the Water Pollution Control Regulation and discharged to the receiving environment with a special sewer line. We plan to filter approximately 10% of this wastewater discharged to the receiving environment again and gain 250-300 m³ of water per day needed by our cooling towers. Accordingly, we plan to reclaim 75-90 thousand m³ of water per year.
“We reuse all the water from which the raw potato was washed”
The first step in the production of raw potatoes is the equipment for stone sorting and washing. This is a process step with a water consumption of 90 m³/hour or 2,160 m³/day. Even in the establishment of the factory, a special solution was applied here. Thanks to the sludge pools, 250 m³ of freshly fed water is circulated and used once every 15-20 days. In summary, while 35-40 thousand m³ of water will be consumed in 15-20 days, we refresh it every 15-20 days by using only 250 m³ of water. It means saving 500-600 thousand m³ of water in a production season.